
Tips and Tricks for Building Healthy Relationships

Life is too short, only time is collecting our memories, and if they are beautiful then the rest of life will be timeless.

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Despite periodic breaks, maintaining a marriage is not very difficult. Gaining trust is nothing in the face of more serious problems like frustration and fear. When attempting to establish a long-lasting relationship, one should have chosen whether to enter the friend zone or succeed in their goals. The only thing that matters is making the correct decisions at the right moment. The act of turning towards others builds affection and a sense of teamwork, which helps strengthen the foundation of a lasting relationship.

In a laboratory study, "couples who stayed together for at least six years looked at each other 86% of the time, while those who divorced did so only 33%". Gottman stressed that it is impossible for couples to always face each other. Being able to discuss the value of having this mutual respect is important. Sometimes a person may see a pair approaching but choose not to speak. As long as they are sincere and not forced, Ruda suggested that "spending time on these exchanges could account for another point of success".

Those who believe that the "turning toward" in a relationship has diminished were comforted by North American experts. Experts let their spouses consider their needs while demonstrating their desire to support them. Try your hardest to accommodate the couple's requests, whether they are for "a break from the kids" or a date night without the kids.

Despite periodic breaks, maintaining a marriage is not very difficult. You may feel as though you are headed in the right direction when you first glimpse your love, but what does it matter if two hearts fall apart and do not stay together? Even though divorces do happen occasionally, staying married is not extremely challenging. You can feel like you're on the right track if you fell in love at first sight, but what difference does it make if the relationship ends?


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Healthy discussion benefits from maintaining eye contact. The intention is what counts. Gaining trust is nothing in the face of more serious problems like frustration and fear. However, when attempting to establish a long-lasting relationship, one should have chosen whether to enter the friend zone or succeed in their goals. Many splits only result in the waste of valuable time and resources. However, if the right choices are taken in due time, the situation can be resolved. Young people's excitement can occasionally be healthy and exciting; it can result in success or failure; the only thing that matters is making the correct decisions at the right moment.

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Photo by The Paris Photographer on Unsplash

World-renowned for his studies on marital stability and divorce prediction is American doctor John Gottman. Together with his 35-year wife, Julie Schwartz Gottman, they conduct innovative research with hundreds of couples. As psychologists who studied more than 40,000 couples who were getting ready to start couples therapy, they boast about their knowledge of successful marriages. For instance, in one lab experiment, after just 15 minutes of observing how couples interacted, researchers were able to predict whether a marriage would last with 94% accuracy.

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Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

Due to the fact that for them, this is the most crucial factor in determining whether or not a marriage will be successful, with success being interpreted to include, among other things, respect for one another, harmony, awareness of one another's needs, and the ability to handle crises. Experts believe that the most effective method for revealing a connection between two people and predicting the success of a relationship is the frequency with which one of the participants "turned towards" their partner rather than "turning away."

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Photo by Steven Cordes on Unsplash

The experts said, "When a couple turns to each other, they make and respond to what we term "connection offers." Offers might be small, like calling your name to gain your attention, or enormous, like requesting that deeper needs be satisfied. The happiest couples, in Gottman's opinion, "are wise enough to realize when their partner is making an offer and drop what they are doing, if necessary, to commit," he said. The psychologist used the example of a couple's member glancing at her phone and saying, "This is an intriguing article" to demonstrate his point.


According to Gottman, "This is an offer for the relationship." The other person may respond in one of three ways: turning to me, which acknowledges the offer and commits to your attempt to connect; walking away, which amounts to either actively disobeying or simply being unaware of the other's attempt to connect; or turning against me, irritably or angrily canceling their attempt to connect with a "Can't you see I'm trying to work?

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Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

According to Schwartz and Gottman, "the act of turning towards" builds affection and a sense of teamwork, which helps strengthen the foundation of a lasting relationship. Gottman stressed that in his laboratory study, "couples who stayed together for at least six years looked at each other 86% of the time, while those who divorced did so only 33% of the time." Gottman acknowledged that it is impossible for couples to always face each other.

No assurances exist that the couple won't split up. "I do think that there are couples that are more considerate of each other's times and availability and that this is a particular degree of success in a relationship," she said. Without a doubt, these are the conditions that foster healthy relationships: the capacity to acknowledge that one party may occasionally be unable to respond, and the other learns to politely request that the conversation be continued at a later time after saying, "Now that I can't listen to you carefully."

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Photo by Jarin Dominguez on Unsplash

Being able to discuss the value of having this mutual respect is important, the specialist said. These events most likely happen periodically. "Being able to pause the activity for a moment to pay attention to it, as well as when one detects the intention of approaching the other, is, without a doubt, a good gesture towards the other and, therefore, favors the bond of a couple," the author writes. Sometimes a person may see a pair approaching but choose not to speak. In this case, putting words to the problem favors avoiding confrontation and giving in to "claims of displeasure."

Understanding that this availability to listen is not unconditional, and that does not imply that there is disinterest but rather that it may not be the opportune moment, could mean the difference between a successful couple, she says.

Avoiding rejection and disinterest is crucial, but it's also important to recognize the other person's willingness to share and connect with you because these moments can sometimes get lost in the day's chaos. As long as they are sincere and not forced, Ruda suggested that "spending time on these exchanges could account for another point of success in the couple."

Three steps to practicing "turning toward"

Those who believe that the "turning toward" in a relationship has diminished were comforted by North American experts. There are three options available to them:

Start by checking in for 10 minutes.

Select a time when your partner can listen and is not in a hurry to talk with you.

It can happen in the morning when drinking coffee before going to work or at night after the kids have gone to bed.

As an example, ask him if there is anything he needs from you today. Experts let their spouses consider their needs while demonstrating their desire to support them. Based on that, try your hardest to accommodate the couple's requests, whether they are for "a break from the kids" or a date night without the kids.

2: Gather the nickels.

Each possible moment of connection or commitment should be regarded as having some value, even if it seems insignificant or brief, just as you would pick up a penny or a dollar bill if you saw them on the street. Pennies accumulate with time!

Schwartz and Gottman advised us to pay attention to these requests to connect in this way:

keeping a gaze

a grin

A sigh

A straightforward appeal for support or attention

Speak "good night" or "good morning."

requesting a favor

Out loud, say something along the lines of, "Hey, listen to this."

"Look at that," you say while pointing.

your name is being called from another room

- seem melancholy or depressed

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Photo by Sergey Sokolov on Unsplash

3. Keep trying.

One's emotional availability won't always be exactly the same as that of their partner. and everything is fine. The important thing is how you handle it. When your partner extends an invitation but you are unable to accept it, the experts advised you not to dismiss the request. Instead, they suggested offering a brief explanation, such as "I'd really love to hear about this, but I have to do X right now."

They also advised, "If they reject a few of your proposals, keep trying," when one party makes an offer and the other party doesn't respond. However, if the behavior is a trend, let them know by saying something like, "I don't want to be critical, but I've been getting closer and I notice you're not paying attention," for instance. What is going on with you at the moment that keeps you from responding?

Ruda believes that this couple will succeed and be less likely to end their relationship if these types of moments—being able to verbalize and articulate what one needs and making oneself available to the other at some point during the day—occur frequently in their relationship.

This occurs because we are able to comprehend each other's needs and, when appropriate, act quickly to meet those needs or, in the absence of immediate action, communicate verbally. It would be the best method of communication in a relationship and prevent some problems that typically arise in the form of accusations and reprimands that can lead to a consistently hostile environment in a marriage and ultimately influence their decision to separate.


What constitutes good dating varies depending on who you ask. There are a few commonly accepted rules that can assist us in upping our game. Do you know what you want? This will influence how we go about dating, including whether or not we use any apps and how often we meet new individuals. A dating specialist claims that people are frequently more focused on appearing fascinating than interested.

Consider whether there is something in our lives that we are prepared to give up in order to focus more time and effort on dating, according to experts. Are we planning to exercise less on one day per week, for instance? Will we use TikTok less frequently? Make an appointment as soon as you can if you're only looking for a pen pal. Chemistry differs when discussed in person vs via writing, she claimed. The type of person who is a good catch won't be turned off by, say, how quickly we respond back.

Even though dating isn't always incredibly fun and exciting, it shouldn't consume us. If you see that you're beginning to lose interest, it's perfectly acceptable to take a break for two days or two months.


John Gottman and his wife, Julie Schwartz Gottman, conduct innovative research with hundreds of couples. As psychologists who studied more than 40,000 couples who were getting ready to start couples therapy, they boast about their knowledge of successful marriages. Experts believe that the most effective method for revealing a connection between two people is the frequency with which one of the participants "turned towards" their partner rather than "turning away". "The act of turning towards" builds affection and a sense of teamwork, which helps strengthen the foundation of a lasting relationship. Being able to discuss the value of having this mutual respect is important.

Sometimes a person may see a pair approaching but choose not to speak. There are three steps to practicing "turning toward". Choose a time when your partner can listen and is not in a hurry to talk with you. Experts let their spouses consider their needs while demonstrating their desire to support them. Try to accommodate the couple's requests, whether they are for "a break from the kids" or a date night without the kids.

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