
American Energy Armageddon Scam or Truth

The US has enough energy to last for a long time if we use it wisely and efficiently.

The country has enough fuel supplies at present that could allow us to meet our needs indefinitely. If we continue on this path, there will always be fuel supplies available when needed and we can survive without a significant focus on conservation or alternative sources of power generation like solar or wind power systems (which are still expensive).
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Americans are experiencing a crisis in energy, with the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reporting that the nation is running out of oil and natural gas. Despite this, the nation's consumption of electricity has been steadily increasing since 2000 and will continue to rise if current trends continue. The crisis is not real because it does not exist in reality, but it is a myth and a marketing ploy. The US government has always been involved in war since its inception as an independent nation, but instead has chosen to use them against its own people by waging wars around the world on behalf of other countries without any regard for human rights violations or loss of life.

With access to cheap natural gas and abundant supplies, Americans can save money on their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprint while they do it. Jim Rickards has launched a new campaign to call for "Biden's big blackout" in response to the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, which could last ten years. The pipeline is a system of offshore natural gas pipelines in Europe and consists of two significant pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2. Russia owns the majority of Nord Stream, with the remaining shares held by investors from Germany, France, and the Netherlands. If successful, Americans may be able to protect themselves and increase their wealth even as most Americans see their wealth decline.

Jim Rickards is an investment analyst who has predicted an "Energy Armageddon" in the United States due to the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline by Joe Biden. He believes that this attack will lead to catastrophic effects like fuel shortages, $1,000+ energy bills, empty grocery store shelves, skyrocketing inflation, an economic collapse, and increased levels of crime and violence. To prevent Europe from his disastrous Nord Stream attack, Joe Biden is shipping the majority of the nation's oil to that continent, which is causing a severe crisis. He recommends taking three steps today to secure his financial future and protect his family, such as buying a gun and knowing how to use it, making a survival stash with 3 months of food, water, and a portable heat source, and following the steps in Jim Rickards' new Strategic Intelligence presentation online.


The United States is experiencing a crisis in energy. The news has been full of reports that the nation is running out of oil and natural gas, but there's no evidence for this claim. In fact, there could be enough supplies for decades if we were only willing to look for them.

A report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) today underscores the fact that America is living through a crisis in energy.

The report is about how much energy we use in the United States. It's also about how much of that energy we have left, and what we can do to use more of it responsibly.

The EIA found that the nation's consumption of electricity has been steadily increasing since 2000—and will continue to rise if current trends continue. In other words: We're running out of power!

The good news? There are plenty of ways for Americans to save money on their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprint while they do it.*

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Photo by Arthur Lambillotte on Unsplash

But it's also important to note that this crisis is not real because it does not exist in reality.

But it's also important to note that this crisis is not real because it does not exist in reality. The crisis is a myth, a media fabrication, a marketing ploy, and more than anything else it's nothing but another way for companies like Apple or Nike to sell more products and weapons.

The United States government has always been involved in war since its inception as an independent nation. But instead of using its military resources wisely and protecting its citizens from terrorism, we have chosen instead to use them against our own people by waging wars around the world on behalf of other countries without any regard for human rights violations or loss of life among both soldiers fighting abroad as well as civilians back home who become collateral damage during these campaigns which often last years at a time due policies being implemented by administrations before us now (Obama) which were established during Reagan's presidency--but were only made worse under George Bush Jr.'s reign where we saw even greater destruction caused by this kind mentality towards foreign policy towards Iraq--and what makes matters worse still?

In fact, with access to cheap natural gas and abundant supplies of clean and renewable energy, we do not need to worry about running out of energy.

We are not running out of energy.

In fact, with access to cheap natural gas and abundant supplies of clean and renewable energy, we do not need to worry about running out of energy.

What we need is more efficiency, less pollution, and less money spent on war over the dwindling supply of oil.

You may be asking yourself: what does this have to do with the oil crisis? The answer is everything. In order to solve the climate change crisis, we need to reduce our consumption of energy (and other resources). We also need to change our lifestyles and habits in order to survive the climate change crisis.

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Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

A new campaign highlighting "Biden's big blackout" has been launched by Jim Rickards and his team at Strategic Intelligence. In the upcoming months, the majority of Americans will experience fuel shortages and widespread blackouts as a result of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, which they assert to have proof of. However, a select group of Americans may "win big" in Joe Biden's impending "Energy Armageddon" crisis, which could last ten years.

 Jim Rickards has worked in investment banking, global economics, and intelligence for 40 years. He has also advised the Department of Defense and the American intelligence community. He thinks that a crisis in the US is imminent and that investors who act now to protect themselves can increase their wealth even as most Americans see their wealth decline. The Nord Stream pipeline is a system of offshore natural gas pipelines in Europe, and it consists of two significant pipelines: Nord Stream 1 (NS1) and Nord Stream 2.

Russia owns the majority (51%) of Nord Stream, with the remaining shares being held by investors from Germany, France, and the Netherlands. On September 26, 2022, three explosions ruptured the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines, leaving only one of the two Nord Stream 2 pipelines operational and three of the four pipelines inoperable. The attack is generally attributed to Russia, but some people accuse the United States of ordering it and making it appear to be from Russia.

According to Jim Rickards, the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline was personally ordered by Joe Biden and will cause an "Energy Armageddon" in the United States. He believes that soon, Americans will experience catastrophic effects like fuel shortages, $1,000+ energy bills, empty grocery store shelves, skyrocketing inflation, an economic collapse, and increased levels of crime and violence. 

He recommends taking three steps today to secure your financial future and protect your family: buying a gun and knowing how to use it, making a survival stash with 3 months of food, water, and a portable heat source, and following the steps in Jim Rickards' new Strategic Intelligence presentation online. He believes two Democrat blunders have created America's Energy Armageddon: Joe Biden's Bombing of the Nord Stream Pipeline to stop the flow of natural gas from Russia to Europe and making it look like Russia. This attack, according to Jim Rickards, will lead to "historic suffering" for most Americans, including blackouts. 

energy crisis us,energy crisis usa,energy crisis definition,oil crisis us,energy issues in the us
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

The Green New Deal is a climate change proposal sponsored by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a handful of other Democrat senators, but it failed to advance past the United States Senate. The Green New Deal proposal from AOC, according to Jim Rickards, is "the ultimate lie and scam" because it will "throw our nation into the Energy Armageddon." As a result, America is experiencing a "Code Red" emergency-level shortage of gasoline, diesel, and oil.

 In order to save Europe from his disastrous Nord Stream attack, Joe Biden is shipping the majority of the nation's oil to that continent, which is causing a severe crisis. By taking specific actions now, you can increase your wealth while the economy is in trouble and make sure that you and your family survive the Energy Armageddon, which could last ten years. For Paradigm Press, investment analyst Jim Rickards produces a number of newsletters.

He has worked as an economist, lawyer, investment banker, and author over the course of his 40-year career. Along with Citibank, Caxton Associates, and Long-Term Capital Management, he has also held senior positions there. He thinks Joe Biden was behind the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, which will plunge the United States into an Energy Armageddon. You can get a collection of guides to help you survive the crisis and profit from it if you subscribe to Strategic Intelligence right now.

We must find an alternative source of energy that doesn't pollute or destroy our environment like fossil fuels do. Another way we can help save our planet is by reducing our consumption of fossil fuels and other resources such as water supplies that are being depleted faster than they're replenished by nature's cycles!

The U.S. is currently experiencing a crisis because our government has told us there is one so that they can sell us stuff or soldiers to fight wars over it -- but there really isn't one

The U.S. is currently experiencing a crisis because our government has told us there is one so that they can sell us stuff or soldiers to fight wars over it -- but there really isn't one. The truth is that there will always be fuel supplies, but the amount we use is too great for us to survive without a significant focus on conservation and alternative energy sources (like solar).

The crisis is not real because it does not exist in reality; it's only created by the government for its own benefit, which makes sense if you think about it: You can't have an economy without consumers and you need people buying stuff so your economy continues to grow!

The idea of an energy apocalypse is a popular one in parts of the world.

The idea of an energy apocalypse is a popular one in parts of the world. In fact, many people have come to believe that we are running out of oil and gas. They also think that we will run out soon.

The problem with these theories is that they're based on outdated data and assumptions about how our economy works, combined with conspiracy theories about Big Oil companies conspiring to keep us from using renewable energy sources (like solar power).

People see an impending catastrophe.

People see an impending catastrophe.

People want to be prepared. They need a way to survive the coming disaster, and they don't know what that is yet. They're not sure which way the wind is blowing; they just know something bad is going on and it's about to get worse soon. When this happens, people are looking for solutions: things that will help them survive whatever comes next—and some of those solutions come in the form of survivalist groups like The American Energy Armageddon Scam or Truth (Tour) who sell everything from emergency food supplies and water filtration systems to home gas generators, survival suits for emergencies at sea or even whole cities underground!

They want to be prepared.

People want to be prepared, and they are. They want to be able to survive an energy crisis. They also want to be able to survive a natural disaster or war, but many people would prefer not to have those things happen at all!

Others want to make money by selling you something that will help you survive it.

There are people who want to make money off of a crisis and they will sell you anything that they claim will help you survive it. If it's not a scam, then it's just another product or service.

There are many ways people are making money by selling you something that will allow them to survive the crisis. Here are some examples:

You can buy food rations at a discount price through an online store (this is one way). The reason why these companies offer such low prices is that they know that people in this situation need supplies first before anything else - so if someone wants to get their hands on those supplies at an affordable rate, then they have no choice but to pay up! That's how all businesses operate in these situations...


The truth is there will always be fuel supplies, but the amount we use is too great for us to survive without a significant focus on conservation and alternative energy sources.

The truth is there will always be fuel supplies, but the amount we use is too great for us to survive without a significant focus on conservation and alternative energy sources.

The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels of oil per day, or about one-tenth of all global production. It takes only 10 barrels of oil to produce every gallon of gasoline, diesel fuel, or heating oil sold in America each year; by 2030 that number will likely reach 40 bbl per day on average—even higher if you include natural gas liquids like propane that can be used as an alternative fuel source within vehicles (for example).

This means that if no one changes their ways then by 2030 we'll need twice as much energy compared with today just to meet our current needs without having any environmental impact whatsoever!

I'm not saying that an "energy apocalypse" isn't going to happen, but it's not going to be as dramatic as we've been told.

You may be asking yourself, “what’s so bad about an energy apocalypse?” Well, there are a few reasons why the government is trying to sell its products to you.

First off, they want your money and if they can convince you that there will be no more oil or gas then people will start buying up all of their goods. This would only make sense if these companies were in fact doing something good for society (like helping out during an economic crisis) but since we know from history that this isn't true and these corporations have been putting money into their own pockets instead of investing back into society like real businesses do, we can safely assume that these corporations aren't looking out for our best interests either!


The truth is that while there are some real problems with our energy system, these issues have been blown out of proportion and made into an excuse for war.

So if you're worried about the future of energy in America, don't be. Just like any other crisis in history, we will overcome it by working together towards a solution instead of fighting over who has more power over what happens next

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