
Countries with Good Air Quality Index Rating

Are you tired of breathing smog-filled air?

Ready for a breath of fresh air, quite literally? Then this post is for you! We're diving into the top countries with the best air quality index ratings. From remote islands to bustling cityscapes, these destinations have got you covered with clean and refreshing air to inhale. So, pack your bags and join us on this adventure to discover where you can find the cleanest air in the world. In this post, we'll be highlighting the top countries with the highest air quality index ratings, along with some fun facts about each destination. Get ready to breathe easy and experience a new level of freshness!
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This post is highlighting the top countries with the highest air quality index ratings, along with some fun facts about each destination. It is important to understand how air quality is measured, how prepared different players in the health sector must be to address it, and what effects it has. New air quality standards for six pollutants—particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO)—were released by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of 2020. The air quality index works by measuring the presence of particulate matter, which is a combination of liquid and solid particles as well as organic and inorganic substances that are suspended in the air. Appropriate tools are required to complete this measurement, in addition to monitoring stations with data collection and analysis systems and indicators that make it easier to comprehend the findings of these tests.

The information generated must then be carefully monitored and organized so that it can be compared and used as the foundation for policies for the ensuing few years. Air pollution, which the WHO estimates causes 9 million deaths annually, has once again risen to the top of the public health agenda in a world marked by an obvious climate crisis. IQAir, a Swiss company that gauges air quality around the world, released an annual study this week that found only 13 of 131 nations and territories would have "healthy" air quality in 2022. The focus of the study was the measurement of PM2.5, the tiniest and most dangerous pollutant particle that can contaminate the lungs of people, animals, and plants. The air quality index in Edmonton, Alberta Canada is 30 AQI, which is generally acceptable for most individuals.

The World Health Organization's air quality recommendations call for an average particle concentration of 5 micrograms per cubic meter or less. According to the IQAir report, the organization's requirements were only met by Australia, Estonia, Finland, Grenada, Iceland, and New Zealand. IQAir's report found that seven territories in the Pacific and Caribbean, including Guam and Puerto Rico, ranked among the top 10 for air quality, while seven nations had average air pollution levels that were higher than 50 micrograms per cubic meter. Premature deaths in 2016 were linked to fine particles, and there were approximately 4.2 million of them. The lack of monitoring stations in developing nations in Africa, South America, and the Middle East, which results in a dearth of information on the quality of the air in those areas, is another persistent inequality that is cause for concern.

Glory Dolphin Hammes, CEO of IQAir North America, claimed that whenever the company adds a new nation for which there was no prior data on air quality, those nations invariably rise to the top of the list of those that are more polluted. In 2022, air quality in China improved, with 64% of the 524 mainland Chinese cities reporting yearly reductions in PM2.5. However, none of the Chinese cities met the yearly WHO recommendations and the nation's continued reliance on coal remains a significant climate and environmental concern. The 2022 World Air Quality Report was obtained from more than 30,000 statutory air quality monitoring stations and low-cost air quality sensors around the world and incorporates the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines and interim targets as a baseline. The historical air quality data can be found on the IQAir website and was validated, calibrated, and harmonized using data from monitoring stations all over the world.


Several questions have been raised as a result of the rapid emergence of air pollution as a public health issue, including how air quality is measured, how prepared different players in the health sector must be to address it, and what effects it has. harmful particles, whether they are small or large, can cause immediate, medium-term, and long-term health effects when inhaled. A healthcare action can initially be taken using an index and an alert system. Additionally, it is expected to consider prevention strategies and pollution reduction plans.

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"Air Quality Index - 12 pm" by YazObara is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

How does the air quality index work?

How is the quality of the air rated? Even though there are many different technologies, they all typically involve carefully positioning equipment that can identify the presence of particulate matter, which is a combination of liquid and solid particles as well as organic and inorganic substances that are suspended in the air. The presence of this type of material indicates air pollution according to a set of reference values.

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"air-quality-index" by California Air Resources Board is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Appropriate tools are required to complete this measurement, in addition to monitoring stations with data collection and analysis systems and indicators that make it easier to comprehend the findings of these tests. The information generated must then be carefully monitored and organized so that it can be compared and used as the foundation for policies for the ensuing few years.

New air quality standards for six pollutants—particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO)—were released by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of 2020. Although it establishes the highest levels that should be adhered to, it also mentions desirable "intermediate goals" for nations that are unable to improve in these areas.

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"Dave's Handy Comparison Guide of Handy Emergency Severity Scales" by niiicedave is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Air pollution, which the WHO estimates causes 9 million deaths annually, once again rose to the top of the public health agenda in a world marked by an obvious climate crisis that is already leaving its marks all over the planet, though in different ways depending on the nation. Any citizen can easily access information on air quality with the help of a color-coded system similar to a traffic light. Environmental alerts are also established based on these data, as was the case in the metropolitan area of Santiago in June.

On that day, a "preventive environmental alert" was issued for pollution, which included restrictions on vehicles based on the number of patents and actions like banning the use of firewood for heating, changing the physical education curriculum for students to include less strenuous indoor activities, and so on.


Which 13 nations in the world have clean air to breathe?

The information was gathered as part of an annual study by a Swiss company that gauges air quality around the world. See how your nation is rated.

The responsibility of measuring and categorizing the nations of the world by their levels of air pollution in a global ranking falls to the Swiss firm IQAir, a leader in air quality technology. According to the company's announcement this week, only 13 of the 131 nations and territories it had studied would have "healthy" air quality in 2022. The focus of the study was the measurement of PM2.5, the tiniest and most dangerous pollutant particle that can contaminate the lungs of people, animals, and plants. These can penetrate the lung tissue and enter the bloodstream. They are produced by a variety of processes, including the burning of fossil fuels, dust storms, and forest fires. The air quality index in Edmonton, Alberta Canada is  30 AQI. For the majority of people, the air quality is generally satisfactory.

In keeping with this, the World Health Organization's air quality recommendations call for an average particle concentration of 5 micrograms per cubic meter or less. In September 2021, the WHO revised its annual air pollution guidelines, lowering the acceptable level of fine particles from 10 to 5 micrograms per cubic meter. According to the IQAir report, the organization's requirements were only met by Australia, Estonia, Finland, Grenada, Iceland, and New Zealand. The same is true for seven territories in the Pacific and Caribbean, including Guam and Puerto Rico, the only nation in Latin America to rank among the top 10 for air quality.

On the other hand, seven nations had average air pollution levels that were higher than 50 micrograms per cubic meter, which reached dangerously high levels. These include India, Kuwait, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, and Chad. The state of the environment continues to be concerning. Premature deaths in 2016 were linked to fine particles, according to data from the UN agency, and there were approximately 4.2 million of them.

The lack of monitoring stations in developing nations in Africa, South America, and the Middle East, which results in a dearth of information on the quality of the air in those areas, is another persistent inequality that is cause for concern, according to the report. For instance, only 19 out of 54 African nations, according to IQAir, had adequate data from their monitoring stations. Glory Dolphin Hammes, CEO of IQAir North America, claimed that whenever the company adds a new nation for which there was no prior data on air quality, as it did with Chad in 2021, those nations invariably rise to the top of the list of those that are more polluted. In 2022, air quality in China, which had long held the top spot among nations with the most air pollution, continued to improve. Almost 64% of the 524 mainland Chinese cities examined reported yearly reductions in PM2.5.

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Air Quality Index Interactive Map: Image Credit IQAIR

Despite the improvements, they pointed out that none of the Chinese cities actually met the yearly WHO recommendations and that the nation's continued reliance on coal remains a significant climate and environmental concern. This report provides PM2.5 air quality data for 7,323 cities across 131 different countries, regions, and territories, according to IQAir. Bolivia, which is ranked 112 out of 131 nations, has the best air quality among the nations of South America.

The 2022 World Air Quality Report was obtained from more than 30,000 statutory air quality monitoring stations and low-cost air quality sensors around the world. PM2.5 data was measured in units of micrograms per cubic meter (g/m3) and incorporates the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines and interim targets as a baseline. 

The historical air quality data can be found on the IQAir website and was validated, calibrated, and harmonized using data from monitoring stations all over the world. The data was then sorted by city, nation, and region. Data were gathered for this report in 2021 from 6,475 sites across 117 different nations, regions, and territories. Despite a significant increase in coverage, the density of that coverage is still incredibly low for the continent of Africa. The entire data set for Africa was produced by just 156 stations, and the only real-time, publicly accessible source of air quality data for the entire country of Chad was provided by a single air quality monitor in the city of N'Djamena.

How to reduce air pollution

Air pollution is still the biggest threat to the world's environmental health. Worldwide, poor air quality accounts for 93 billion disease days and more than six million deaths each year. The total economic cost equates to more than 8 trillion dollars, exceeding 6.1 percent of the annual global GDP. Exposure to air pollution causes and aggravates various health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and premature mortality.

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"Dense haze over Toa Payoh, Singapore" by jimmy_tst is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Air pollution affects vulnerable populations most severely. Over 90% of pollution-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Children under the age of 18, pregnant women, and older adults are at higher risk of developing or worsening health conditions due to exposure to air pollution.


Simple solutions to help reduce air pollution can be taken in everyday life. On the road, walking or riding a bike when possible, organizing and condensing errands into one trip, driving less, maintaining your vehicle and keeping tires properly inflated, and reporting smoking vehicles to 1-800-END-SMOG. At home, reducing energy consumption, choosing sustainable products, and eliminating exposure to chemicals can help improve air quality. The most important details in this text are the suggestions for reducing exposure to smog-forming chemicals in the home, garden, and garage. 

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"Mild haze over Toa Payoh, Singapore" by jimmy_tst is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

These suggestions include turning the lights off when leaving a room, replacing energy-hungry incandescent lights with compact fluorescent light bulbs, opting for a fan instead of air conditioning, installing low- ow shower heads, recycling paper, plastic, metals, and organic materials, using an EPA-approved wood burning stove or replace the insert, heating your home with a gas stove, using a surge protector for multiple appliances and turning it off when products are not in use, adding insulation to your home, washing laundry in cold water and line dry, looking for energy star appliances, using a propane or natural gas barbecue, microwaving or using a toaster oven for small meals, using washable dishes, utensils and fabric napkins rather than disposable dinnerware, eating locally, shopping at farmers markets and buying organic products.  

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"I can breathe again!" by docoverachiever is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

IQAir aims to engage, inform, and inspire governments, educators, researchers, non-profit organizations, businesses, and citizens to create collaborative efforts to increase air quality awareness. Also, IQAir seeks to facilitate informed dialogue and inspire action that improves air quality and the health of global cities and communities.


After exploring and discovering the countries with the best air quality index ratings, it is evident that there are several destinations worth visiting for a breath of fresh air. Whether you prefer to retreat to a remote island or explore a bustling city, there are options available for everyone. Breathing clean air is essential for our health and well-being, and it is reassuring to know that countries around the world are committed to providing this for their citizens and visitors. So, pack your bags and plan your next adventure to one of these top countries with good air quality index ratings. You won't be disappointed!

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